How To Understand Hopes And Fears
When your want to learn how to understand hopes and fears few people really understand them well enough.
In this article, we’ll discuss them.
The Two-Sided Coin
They are like two sides of one coin. Where fear is there can be hope and where hope is there can be fear.
A client of mine was afraid that people would make fun of him. This fear was so great that he didn’t even dare to sit next to people on the bus.
Nevertheless, he has the desire to become famous on YouTube. As a solo entertainer. Then he would earn money from people finding him funny, and even become famous. So he also has hope that they won’t make fun of him but will see him as amusing and entertaining.
I had a very intense dream when I was in the psychiatric ward. I dreamed that while I am in my catatonic state (I lay in bed for 2 to 5 days), I am out of my body in another world and I don’t see everything: that was my hope. Then I was shown my fear: I called my own mother during a catatonic state and because of that she got that I was conscious. That was a big fear. Probably my biggest at that time. Then I woke up.
So we’ve seen so far how hope and fear are intertwined. Now we will see something else.
What is fear? Baby don’t hurt me, don’t hurt me, no more.
Fear is like a big shadow that looks like a scary devil. When you run away from it, it gets bigger and bigger and scarier. But, when you turn around and look, you realize it’s just a cute little white mouse.
Face your demons.
You can face your fears head-on. You can desensitize yourself. This works by exposing yourself to the unpleasant situation and thus getting used to it. It’s like stretching your body. You get better with time, but the progress is lost with time if you stop practicing it. You can also work with your fears internally. To do this, ask yourself what you are afraid of. What are you really afraid of? You also ask yourself which need is behind it. Of course, this works better in coaching. This method promises lasting success because you can get to the root of the problem.
Hope is important.
Focus on what you want instead of what you don’t want so that you achieve it because there are infinite things you don’t want to achieve.
When you try to hit a dartboard, you aim at the center and don’t think about where you don’t want to hit.
Hope motivates. Those who have no hope will not dare to do anything. Every person needs a great amount of hope.
If you are only afraid, you are not in balance. There is no such thing as zero risk.
At the same time, having only hope is not good either. Be skeptical sometimes and think for yourself.
There needs to be a balance. See what you lack and then journal about it. For example, if you lack hope, you can journal about the question “What can I hope for?”. If you lack fear you can journal about “What should I fear?”.
Fear again
So if balance is important, then fear is important too, right? Yes!
Fear keeps us from doing stupid things and shows us which situations are critical.
Fear is important and has its place.
Only those who feel fear can also show courage, that is, they can be brave.
Moreover, fear shows us our needs.
Come on. Read the whole thing. It’s simple.
- Fears and hopes are intertwined
- Fears will only go always when you go toward them
- Hope is important!
- Balance is important
- This means fear has its place too
- Cheers