Think With Your Brain, Feel With Your Heart

Think With Your Brain, Feel With Your Heart

If you want to think with your Brain and feel with your heart, it is a matter of balancing the mind and the heart. Then there are many things that seem more important. And that’s because in Life, there are a lot of different aspects to improve and to get right. When baking a cake, one needs to get the right ingredients. Alone that is an endeavor that can be split down: The quality, the price, and the time to acquire them. Then there is the recipe. There is much to say about that one too. The baking time, how healthy it is, the preparation time, and more. Then you are in the kitchen. You have all sorts of different utensils and the oven.
In life it is the same. There are a lot of different aspects one can improve. And one should! But no one would go shopping in the kitchen and baking in the supermarket! This shows how important this lesson is : Think with your brain. And feel with your heart.

What does this mean?

Well. Your mind or brain can make assumptions and prove them to be true or not. When you hear a knocking on a door you can assume that there is someone behind it with a certainty of 99,99%. Or at least that something is behind it! You developed this capability of reasoning over time. This is because you have seen people knocking on doors and heard the sound. You have proven it empirically. With your brain or thinking.

Then you can feel with your heart.

When you love someone, you can enjoy this feeling in your body. You can use this love to motivate you to give a present. Love is there to be that cherry on top of the ice cream.
When you are angry because someone’s calling you names you can feel it. Your body is making itself ready to attack or similar (although you shouldn’t). We are feeling with our heart or body.
The heart is also good for another job. It shows you your needs. Think about it. If you’re annoyed because your client is late, it may be because you feel the need to be on time with your next client, but also have enough time with your first client.

Your brain and heart work together.

When your feelings have shown you your needs, your brain can pick them up and think about them and solve them. For example, reschedule a bit. Most of the time getting in touch with your needs is one great step in and of itself.
Likewise, if you have a thought that bothers you, you can simply let that feeling exists. That’s basic meditation. You just feel that feeling of that though. Without the need to change it. We’ve seen so far that the brain is good for thinking and finding truth and the heart is good for feeling. We’ve also seen how they work together.
It gets weird when both - mind and body - switch their jobs.

So what is when we think with our heart?

A good feeling is never, never, never (alone) proof that something is true. Period. Why should it be? Who says that? And how does he proves it? Let’s say someone states that a good feeling is a reason for something to be true. If I believe it, the confirmation bias will kick in. I will blend out everything against it.
There are a bunch of cases where people feel good and experience things that aren’t true.
And there are a lot of things that are true experienced without feeling good.
Sure, if you found out with your brain that something is true and your gut approves it, okay! But your brain should play the main role here!
Also, you can never reason your way into love. First, there is the feeling of love and then there is the brain, asking whether you have the same interests (wanting children for example).

And what happens when we feel with our brain?

Imagine the following. You have read that in America most marriages are between couples who have the same initial letter. You have a girl in your class or at your work who is the only one with the same first letter as you. You think about how you would fit. There are absolutely no feelings. You think about her every evening. Every day you do not speak a word to her. That is feeling with your brain.

In conclusion,

we can say that in order to master life you need to pay attention to how you make your decisions. Based on feelings or facts? Feelings have their place! You should marry a person you love for example. But thoughts have their place too. Their role is mainly to find the truth and make good decisions. Be balanced. Be happy.