How Do I Think Positive?

How Do I Think Positive?

“I want to think positively and get my thoughts under control, but I don’t know how!”. Is that you? When it comes to thinking positively, you need to change your perspective and bring your thoughts under control. That is very easy when you always remember the following example. You have a goal in mind, right? Let’s assume the following: You want to get the bus. But the bus driver just doesn’t stop and you need to take the next one. Is it good or bad? It’s bad if you need to be at home on time. But maybe it’s good. Maybe you meet someone new. Maybe you’ll meet your new future wife or husband or your new best friend. Or maybe you’ll just have a good time meditating. Maybe you’ll realize you’ve forgotten something and you need to go back. Or maybe you realize you are hungry and have something to eat left in your bag. Whatever may happen: It might be good.

We never know whether things that happen lead to something good or bad.

You can assume that everything that happens has some aspects that are good and some aspects that are bad. But fixating on one thing that you think you want is not beneficial. It might happen or not. If it happens it might make you happy or not. But maybe something else will make you happier. Maybe something else will make you wiser. You can always try to assume that what happens will make you as happy as possible in the future. But you need to try.

Thinking positively is to change my assumptions.

If you know that there is a God you’re blessed and it will be easier for you but it’s not necessary. Truth is: You never know what the things you experience are good for. Whatever you try to archive, it might not be what you need or even want. Maybe you are fat. Maybe you think “I’m not good enough because of this.” But what if you need to learn to be humble? Maybe you need to learn to have empathy with other fat people. Maybe you don’t get a girlfriend. Maybe you need to learn to be patient. Maybe you need to improve yourself. Maybe you need to learn self-love first. Maybe, maybe, maybe.

You always get what you need

If they don’t serve you let go of your goals until you are ready again. They are worthless if they make you miserable. What is the point of wanting a girlfriend or boyfriend so much that you are brutally unhappy? After all, you want a girlfriend or boyfriend to be happier but your wish makes you miserable. In addition, you won’t find one if you are unhappy because unhappy equals unattractive.

Let go of wished if they don’t serve you.

Acceptance is important! It’s easier when you know that there is a God who has a plan for every one of us. Try to learn your lesson. When you miss the bus, try to learn patience. Seek the reason or believe that there is a reason behind everything. If you’ve forgotten your wallet at home, seek patience. Hope for the best. Hope is one important character trait one can develop. Trust in God if you believe in him.

You can find a reason behind everything.

Finding a good reason for things that happen is a skill. If you are dedicated, you can start a journal. Write down everything that happened that you are grateful for that they. If you can’t find anything take something from the last day or the day before that one. It’s okay to repeat yourself. After all we can be grateful for the same things everyday. See why bad things in your past have made you the person you are today. After all: Hard times make strong people. Soon you’ll be a positive thinking champion.